Growing up, I had 2 brothers and a sister at home. Add my parents in, and we are talking a total of 6 people sharing one bathroom for a long time, until eventually we finally put a toilet in the basement.

To top that off, I'm speaking for myself, but I have a very weak bladder. To this day, the first thing I do when I'm in any new environment is to check where the bathroom is.
So when we had 1 bathroom, what did we do as a work around? Well of course all the men used the bushes outside, especially when we had just come home, and before we went in the house. Some would "call firsts" on the bathroom when we came back home from a trip. This had limited success. You could also beg others to hurry up in there, before you busted a kidney.
But when none of those options were available, and nature was calling, we had a special jar
under the sink in the kitchen. It was actually a metallic drinking
I'm pretty sure it was purple in color. Everyone in our family
knew where it was and what it was for. Suffice to say, it got a lot of
One summer day, my parents had one of their weird friends over, and as soon as Mrs. P came into the house, which from the back door, led you straight to the kitchen, she said she was very thirsty. Without warning, she opened the cabinet doors under the sink
and grabbed the pee jar! She filled it up with water from the sink and guzzled the contents down. It all happened so fast, that none of us reacted or said a word. We just watched as she quenched her thirst from the pee jar. While the next part is legend, after she was finished, she supposedly remarked that it was an especially great glass of water!
In some ways, it was.