My dad was what you would either call a real Ukrainian patriot, or a terrorist, depending upon your viewpoint.
When he lived in Ukraine, it was ruled by Poland as it had been by then, for centuries. A Polish "overseer" was assigned to his small village. My dad rebelled against all things Polish, mostly in ways that were symbolic or relatively safe. He was unafraid to assert his patriotic fervor for Ukraine and everyone in the village new that this young man was a zealot. When something happened in the village that was a slight against the Polish authorities, everyone assumed my dad was behind it. Usually, he was.

I can only imagine the adrenaline pumping through my dad's body as he and his co-conspirator laid in wait for their target to approach. They waited patiently until darkness fell and they realized that on this night, their intended target was not going to follow his usual routine.
By the next morning, my dad explained to me that his "fever" to commit this terrible act had somehow dissipated, never to return again. He must have realized that he would be the number one suspect if he had been successful and that he would certainly would have paid for this act with his life.
If he had been successful that fateful day, you would not be reading this story.
If he had been successful that fateful day, you would not be reading this story.