My tale today shows the real life consequences of those that buy and use this drug.
I left my house around 6:30 AM this day so I could arrive at my customer's location in the Philly area by 8AM. I got on Route 202 and settled into the right lane quickly. I noticed a car behind me who was evidently in a hurry and I saw that he was going to pass me on the left lane. As he passed me, I was startled to see how close his car was to my car.
Next thing I know, this guy has sideswiped my car! I could tell the damage was not severe, but I did have some nasty creases and damage to the side of my car. I quickly pulled over to the shoulder , thinking he would do the same, once he realized he had hit me. But to my surprise, he never even slowed down, and continued on Route 202.
It took me a minute or so to realize I was dealing with a hit and run driver. I quickly pulled back out onto the highway in an attempt to follow him.
Simultaneously, I called 911 on my blue-tooth speakerphone and told the cops what had happened. I managed to get within viewing distance of the hit and run driver, but could not make out his license plate. He was driving pretty fast and at times, erratically, so I kept my distance. I proceeded to follow him for a few miles and the cops stayed on the phone with me, as I gave them the blow by blow on exactly where we were. I must say, it was kind of thrilling to be involved in a car chase.

There was a traffic light about a quarter mile before the circle and just before it, I had lost sight of my nemesis. As I pulled up closer to the light, I saw that my guy had rammed his car into the back of a pickup truck that was stopped at the light. He wasn't going anywhere. I let the cops know what had just happened. I pulled over to the shoulder and watched as the driver of the hit and run vehicle calmly got out his car, while sipping a cup of coffee. As he meandered around, cop cars stated to arrive from several directions.

I found out by reading the police report the next day, that the driver was under the influence of crystal meth.
I am still thankful there were no injuries that day from either accident.
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