Thursday, January 11, 2018

House Concert!

A few years ago I met a singer songwriter duo by the name of Jeni & Billy at their first concert at a venue in West Virginia called The Purple Fiddle.   I fell in love with this duo  and we became very friendly. Of course, I wanted to see them perform again and when I asked them what their touring schedule looked like, Jeni asked me if I had ever heard of a house concert. I had not. She explained that the artist would perform right in your house in lieu of a formal venue. ! I got more details online from people who had done this before  and decided to have one.
I got my nephew to create a nice poster advertising the gig and started to invite people: family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and anyone whom I thought might be remotely interested. I set admission at $10 and advised everyone that all proceeds would go to the artist...the $10 had to be a donation to avoid certain legalities.
My wife and I turned our basement into a mini concert hall and set up chairs for the expected 20+ attendees. We arranged  a nice spread of snacks, goodies, and beverages for our guests as well.
We put up a folding table in the den for Jeni and Billy to sell their merchandise during the intermission and after the concert.
Finally, the big day arrived. !
We fed Jeni & Billy before the gig  and it was about then that my head started to explode. Here at my kitchen table was a musical group whose CD I listened to in my car.

They were in my house, eating food we had prepared, and  we had their full attention!  The invited  guests started to arrive and eventually we got everyone seated in the cellar and Jeni & Billy put on an awesome concert!
It ranked with one of the greatest things I had ever been part of and I hoped we could have another one the following year. We actually had two more Jeni & Billy concerts in the years that followed and they were both just as awesome.

Sadly, Jeni & Billy have parted ways and are pursuing solo musical careers. But I never forget the magic they made in our house!

1 comment:

  1. I remember it well! What a great experience and your enthusiasm really set the mood for the quirky, endearing duo. I was so sad to hear of their split.
